1866 April: Despite the intervention of Daubigny, CŽzanne is refused by the Salon jury. 19 April: CŽzanne sends a letter of protest to H. de Nieuwerkerke, the superintendent of Fine Arts, demanding the reinstatement of the Salon des RefusŽs. 27 April to 20 May: Writing under the pseudonym Claude, Zola publishes seven articles about the Salon in L’EvŽnement. May to early August: CŽzanne makes several visits to Bennecourt (Oise) together with Zola, Chaillan, Baille and Valabrgue. He occasionally visited the CafŽ Guerbois, where Manet and his friends used to meet. 1867 April: Two of CŽzanne’s paintings, The Wine Grog and Intoxication, are turned down by the Salon jury. Early June: CŽzanne returns to Aix after spending part of the winter and spring in Paris. 1868 April: His work is rejected by the Salon jury. May to December: He works in the south of France. 1869 Early in the year he meets Hortense Fiquet, a model or dress-maker from the Jura and eleven years his junior. She becomes his companion. 1870 31 May: CŽzanne is a witness at the marriage of Zola and Alexandrine Meley at Paris. Following the outbreak of the Franco-Prussian War (19 July), he and Hortense Fiquet take refuge in L’Estaque for a year. 4 September: The Republic is proclaimed following the defeat at SŽdan (2 September) and the capitulation of Napoleon III. 18 November: While at L’Estaque, CŽzanne is elected chairman of the committee of the School of Drawing, but he did not attend meetings. The committee is dissolved on 19 April 1871.